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Gesher School

Gesher is an Ofsted Outstanding Independent All-Through special school that offers children who are differently able and learn differently an exemplary and tailored education. Gesher caters to students with a range of mild to moderate special educational needs including Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Downs Syndrome. In September 2021, Gesher relocated to a new site in Pinner and expanded its offering to include secondary provision.

The school first opened in September 2017 and has seen its number of pupils rapidly grow.

Many Gesher children joined having been previously misunderstood, anxious and even bullied. Today they now feel part of a community and are making their first set of real friends, some of them having their first ever play dates. They are proud of who they are and are developing confidence in ways we never expected. Gesher recognises that every child is an individual and requires a unique, child-centred approach to learning. Gesher strives to build on the children’s strengths giving them access and opportunities to be a part of the Jewish community and society in general.

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