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Jewish Women's Aid

Jewish Women’s Aid is the only specialist charity in the UK working with Jewish women and their children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. We support Jewish women and girls aged 16+ (14+ in London) and reach over 700 women and 300 children every year.

We run a holistic and culturally sensitive service, offering advocacy and emotional support, counselling, group work, helpline, web chat and children’s therapy services. Our preventive educational work takes place in synagogues, schools, on campus and across Jewish community settings.

One woman in four will experience domestic violence in her lifetime - regardless of age, education, class, lifestyle or religion. It can take place in any intimate relationship, between partners, ex-partners or adult family members. The Jewish community is affected by domestic violence just like any other.

Freephone confidential helpline 0808 801 0500

Webchat service

Specialist domestic abuse support & sexual violence support advisors

Children's Therapy

Prevention work in schools and on campus

Outreach & training for community professionals (including Rabbis)

Awareness raising events and activities across the Jewish community

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